M1 Shark-transport
Move the shark to her new home not touching her tank’s walls
- Visible at the end of the match
- Nothing is ever allowed to touch the shark except the tank !
Move the shark to her new home not touching her tank’s walls
Drive past the visually impaired man, and the dog will do her job
During the match, participating robots make the trays switch places. A switch is officially successful when the red axle causes the system to stop. Robots then have the option of removing the received animal and replacing it with a different animal for switching. The referee resets the red axle
Deliver the food from the refrigerator to target animal areas
White (mechanical) gecko on the biomimicry Wall, and/or by seeing if the robot itself can get onto the wall
Guide the cow into the machine, then spin the machine until milk comes out. If you spin too far, manure also comes out
Convert the panda’s scene from facility care and observation to open wilderness
Bring the camera into base
Bring the trainer and the dog and/or the zoologist and/or the manure samples into the training & research area
Place the bee on the beehive and get the honey out
Fit the prosthesis where the legs of the pet (our little friend) should be, and send the pet to its place on the farm
Bring the seal into base
Bring all 3 milk container into base
Bring all 3 milk container on the ramp
Transport 7 manure samples into the training and research area
If the team interrupts the robot, there places one of the removed samples in the white triangle, in the southeast, as a permanent/untouchable interruption penalty. You can get up to five penalties.